
stand up and say hello

UCLA art student Emerson Taymor designed these super clever
business cards! (via bblinks)


flickr goes my heart

I don't know about you, but I just adore the things you can
find on flickr! It's nearing holiday time and most of us know
about that can-shaped cranberry stuff, right? well here
is a flickr set that is all of food shaped like the packaging
they came in.


mass transit

These images show the space needed for the same number
of people to travel by car, bus or bike.
(from the Munster Planning Office, Germany via cup of joe)


real world: photoshop

This is apparently an ad for PhotoShop's Indonesian market.
I think it's pretty funny.


straw scape

Brooklyn artist Tara Donovan creates her artwork from everyday
manufactured items like plastic cups, scotch tape and drinking straws
and transforms them into massive volumes.
The giant collections of items take on amorphous and nearly landscape
forms. Her work has been shown at the Hammer Museum in
LA, the Whitney in NY