
no one belongs here more than you

Writer/director/performance artist Miranda July
released a new book and put together a
wonderful little website for it. Funny and different,
it shows us how simple is great.
(she also directed the movie 'me and you and
everyone we know')


eat smart

Ok, we won't lecture you on the food you
eat...but how about what you eat it with?

Check out this link for compostable
and biodegradable disposable containers,
cups, plates, silverware, trash bags and
even straws.

we left our hearts in mountainview

To continue on with sharing studio members travels,
this post is about Katie B and Todd H's recent California

The two set out to see corporate campus space for a project
and were able to tour the mother of all Silicon Valley Dot
Com spaces.........GOOGLE.

And it was eye opening. Google has implimented a very
progressive and responsible workplace culture in their
Mountainview, CA campus. Everything from no garbage
in their food service facilities (compost or recycle) to colorful
bikes all over campus to get you to your next meeting.

Take a look at the below photos and stay tuned for a case
study on the facility.

fabulously green

Jason Hall passed on a link to a great blog called Fabulously Green
Take a look!


It's almost summer?

Yes, I think. Lindsay was nice enought to find
the 2007 Summer Festival Guide for us! Click

april showers

Don't forget!! Tonight is the Furniture Shower for
The Center on Halsted.
Tickets are Still available online for $50 and $60
at the door.
Circuit 3641 N. Halsted 6-9pm Tonight April 10th.