

Just when you thought Google Maps was magic enough, they
go and do this: street view. San Francisco, New York,
Miami, Las Vegas, and Denver are the
only cities set up with the feature so far. A must see.

the future perfect

Listen up!!! Our wonderful resource library is now even better!!!
Hopefully you were able to attend the kick off party on Tuesday
evening to get briefed on What We're Doing (and have some
drinks and snacks). If not, here's the deal:

We now have a system for keying sustainable items in the
library. This will not occur overnight and the task force has
decided to tackle textiles first. Manufuacturer's representatives
will be sent a letter explaining our goals and two forms to fill out.
These forms will be cataloged on the G:drive and also placed
in the corresponding product's binders.

But what do YOU do? Look for this:

on product binder spines. This will tell you that there
is sustainable material in the binder.

Then what? Look for this:

on tip cards, cut sheets, memo samples and small
ring sets. Then read the product content on the backs.
Additional information (pertaining to LEED, etc) can be found
either in the G:drive or the forms placed in the product binders.

Please see the big, beautiful and informative posters in
the library for additional information.....and get specifiying

center on halsted

Take a look at TimeOut Chicago's article about
Center on Halsted and a separate piece on


bloomingdale line

Stop by Acme Art Works tonight to check out the public
opening of Envisioning the Bloomingdale. It's an
exhibition of ideas for the Bloomingdale line, an out
of commission freight line. Similar to the High Line
in New York, this 3-mile stretch of elevated unused
track in the heart of the city.

The opening is tonight, May 18th from 6:30 to 8:30pm
at 1741 N. Western Ave. The exhibition is open
Thursdays through Sundays, noon to 5pm through
June 3rd.

Even better, one team lead by Elva Rubio and
another by Brian Vitale have submittions in the show.


If you were able to attend today's stuido meeting, then you got to
hear about Steelcase's WorkSpace Future's Joyce Bromberg
speak about their approach to research and development. She
brought up the marriage of neuroscientists and architects and
their search for evidence-based design. Joyce referenced
this research article this morning. Unlock your brain.


No, not sudafed. Buses, bikes and trains. Check out
GOOD Magazine's article on how cities all over the world
have innovative transportation models that can invoke
envy here in the states. Everything from Curitiba, Brazil's massive
bus system to 'naked streets' (everyone is clothed, however the
streets are almost traffic signal free) that have been develped and
adopted in The Netherlands.


about town

Here are a few options for enjoying the weekend ahead:

Friday, May 11th
Looptopia will America's first dusk-to-dawn cultural and artistic spectacle. Go
see the Pony's. looptopia; metromix guide .

Manifest Urban Arts Festival
Friday, May 11th 9am to 9pm 600 s. Michigan Ave.
Columbia College's annual showcase and celebration of graduating
undergraduate and graduate studen work from every department
on campus. All events are in the south loop campus, free and open
to the public. manifest

Mother's Day
Sunday, May 13th
Don't forget the mom's in your life. Send flowers.

Farmer's Markets
Many being around the city this next week!
Federal Plaza: Tuesdays, May 15th -Oct. 30th
Daley Plaza: Thursdays, May 17th - Oct.4th

zero city

Norman Foster has designed the world's first zero carbon, zero
waste city in Abu Dhabi. Madsar was driven by the Abu Dhabi
Future Energy Company and will be the location of their headquarters.
Also planned is a new university focused on innovation in energy
production. Read more here.


follow the dots

We've been highlighting bits of Bruce Mau's Incomplete
Manifesto for Growth since our very first post.
We're now adding a permanant link (called Manifesto) to the link
list. When you're in need of a little break/motivation/drive, stop
here andhave some fun follwing the bubbles to a more
inspired day.

photo life

Artist Chris Jordan's new piece takes American consumer
statisitics away from number form and into beautiful photos.
The amount of plastic bags we use and flights we take
are startling when presented this way.