
if you have some time...

use it to look around British artist Keith Tyson's website. His
work consists of large scale sculptures, installations and paintings.
The website is a great interactive experience that is worth
taken the time to explore.
(thanks Rita/David)


jenga anyone?

Sou Fujimoto Architects in Japan's very Jenga-like house
has no separation between wall/floor/ceiling/furniture.
Each serves the other's purpose and become what the
user needs or sees them as. More photos here.
(thanks Jason)


a tree grows in wisconsin

Brian Pittman sent over photos from his trip up to Door County, WI
last weekend. It reminded me that oh yeah, it is fall and leaves turn
colors! We don't see a whole lot of that en masse living in the city.
Sure, Chicago has loads of trees but not blankets of color like this.
Thanks Brian!


le cube, c'est chic

The ever talented Yves Behar and his Fuse Project studio have
come up with a very beautiful piece of equipment for your (french)
tv. Le Cube was developed by Behar in conjunction with French
TV channel Canal to produce and innovative and useful
experience for users. The system provides information and
personal preferences on a beautiful pixel display.
Read more here via Mocoloco.


the amazing race

From yesterdays post, Good magazine has some funny bi-partisan political
information. This one is 'good'. The above illustration is depicting what our
candidates suits would look like if they were like nascar drivers and had
uniforms with their sponsors covering them.


everyone's doing it

('nuff said. but if you're wondering why you should vote, you can
find 1149 various reasons and other goodies here)


you thought right.

You may have heard of London's Graphic Though Facility before.
They were the focus the Art Institute's very first exhibit dedicated
to graphic design. They do incredible work, including
a lot of environmental graphics. The photo above is from a
school in england. I highly recommend browsing their website
for lots of inspiring project work!


u CAN touch this.

Sure you can touch your iphone screen, but you can't do it so well
without looking. Product designer Takumi Yoshidi dreamed up
a cell phone that you really touch. SENS is a phone for the blind,
and it's beautiful. The phone has elegant dips and ridges so the user
can navigate the phone. It will then audibly and instantly tell the
user what number it is they just touched. The concept was developed
with the Royal National Institute for of Blind People in the UK.
Find out more information here.
(via core77)



Yet another great and go-to inspiration blog, materialicious!
Consisting of mostly 'shelter' and homes, the blog is organized a bit
differently than other design sites. You can search by country which
puts the idea of regional design in the forefront. Contemporary
structures can all begin to blend, but seen in a context like
this is quite eye opening.


aged to perfection

The wonderfully named blog 'Advanced Style' posts
photos of well dressed older folks seen on the
street. These men and women continue to put effort
and finesse into their appearance as they stroll through
their golden years. Looking good and feelin' great!


in the eye of the beholder

The New York Times published a story today on the "Beautification
Engine" which is software that automatically doctors a photo
to make the subject more 'beautiful'. Scientists in Israel created
an algorithm based on survey results that measures up the
original face and doctors it so it becomes closer to an idea
version of it. The science of beauty and perceived beauty is
becoming a much researched topic. These findings were
posted for Siggraph which is an annual conference on
computer graphics. Read the article here and see the authors
results from testing out the software.
(via nytimes, boing boing)


join now

Saw these tables and thought their designers
did a wonderful job of emphasizing traditional joinery
in a wholly contemporary way. Ontwerpduo are two
designers in Eindhoven who take a very personal
approach to all of their designs by incorporating
memories and impressions into each piece.

need to know

You know that friend you have that always knows
about the cool stuff before you? Well, prepare
to take them on! Trendtrekking.com is a curated
list of 'interesting places, products, events and
cultural stuff...to keep you on the cutting edge''.
They'll tell you what's good and why cause who
has time to find it themselves?
(thanks e. larsen!)


flickr find

Nosing around the net, i came across these
lovely little things . Flickr user 'maraid' has a really
wonderful collection of little Japanese matchbooks
dating from the 1920's to 1940's. The illustrations
are so varied in their style. Fun eye candy!
(via coudal)

tangled up

Sculptor Patrick Dougherty uses saplings to create super intricate
nest like structures and installations. He got his start making
very small pieces and they have grown to be building sized
sculptures that require truckloads of saplings to complete.
See more here.


Maghound, where have you been all my life? Like
NetFlix for magazines, Maghound let's you choose
whatever magazines you want for the month and change
your selections for the next. You can pick from 3 tiers of
service, 4 magazines a month on up. Replace, cancel
or add new at anytime.