
Experimental Putt-Putt and Green Design Competition
Thursday March 29th through Monday April 2nd at
Material Exchange in Hyde Park. $5.

Commemorating 30 Years: Rhona Hoffman Gallery
The first in a series of three shows looking back
at the gallery's history. See pieces from
Donald Judd (above), Laurie Anderson,
Richard Tuttle and Sol LeWitt. Through April 7th.
April 13th '1980-1990' opens.


first lightbulbs, now plastic bags

A few weeks ago, we learned of an international coalition
bent on banning the incandescent lightbulb. Now,
the city of San Francisco is on it's way to making
the plastic bag illegal. Read on.

five on three

Come to the 3rd floor tomorrow at 5:00 and check out the new
Bulletin Boards! This month's focus is on green design and will
be featuring projects, media, research and products.



Please join gTank this Wednesday March 28th at 5pm in DS3.
Sasha Zeljic will give a presentation on Avant Garde Movements
and Modernism in Serbia, 1919-1946.

crazy train

We've finally made it. Chicago's current public transportation
mess was on the front page of the New York Times yesterday.
Read it here.

wall art

Anne Gibson send over this great link to J. Prichard Design.
Jennifer Prichard is trained as a ceramics sculptor and
has created amazing porcelain wall art and tiles.


pot o gold

Teknion came in the office with lots of St. Patty's Day treats.
Brian Pittman and Elizabeth Gilmore correctly guessed how many
charms where in the box of Lucky Charms!!
(and Jessica Statz nabbed new jewels).

where was jay turner??

In the Netherland Antilles! More specifically, he was diving in beautiful Bonaire.

Take a look:

ready set go!

From Bruce Mau's Manifesto: #9 Begin Anywhere: John Cage tells
us that not knowing where to begin is a common form of paralysis.
His advice: begin anywhere.

non-Irish weekend

Opening now: pretty paintings, go see
Claire Sherman at Kavi Gupta Gallery

Closing soon:
The Museum of Contemporary Photography at
Columbia College has two interesting shows that are closing
next weekend. The first is Misty Keastler's 'Love Hotels'

March of the Chefs, Round Two. Monday March 19th
Sustainable Slow Food at Lula Cafe

The Peace Museum. It is located in the Garfield Park Gold Dome.
It is a small museum that has some very powerful and moving
exhibitions. It is worth the trip.

about town

Ah yes, St. Patrick's Day weekend is upon us. For some,
the best part about it isn't the green beer, but the Shamrock Shake!!
But if you're like everyone else, here is how to get yo Irish on.

-Dyeing the river green, Michigan Avenue at the river,
10:45 am Saturday.
-TimeOut Chicago's St. Patrick's Day pub list


and the lightbulb goes off in your head...

According to the New York Times, an international
collalition is banding together to eliminate the incandescent
lightbulb in the next 10 years. WHOA!
They've already been banned it in Australia, and the group
feels that in order to get consumers to switch, they need
to eliminate the choice all together. The move could save
18 billion dollars in electricity use each year!



BP opened it's first BP Helios House in Los Angeles recently.
It may not be the huge move people would like to see from a
big oil company like BP, but it is a good start to make the average
consumer a little more aware of environmental issues.
A few features-
"Water: Helios House exceeds current environmental standards
for on-site collection, filtration and distribution of water; canopy
collects rainwater for irrigation; rain and site water are filtered to
prevent hydrocarbons from polluting groundwater.

Heat: Helios House is designed to minimize the “heat island”
effect. The green roof is landscaped with drought tolerant
plants, reducing the need for heating and cooling systems,
minimizing rainwater runoff, and re-oxygenating the air through
CO2 absorption (carbon sink).

Light: 90 solar panels produce enough energy to power two to
three homes which is equivalent to just over 5,000 lbs/year of
CO2 generation reduction. Energy-efficient lighting in the
canopy area uses 16 percent less electricity than traditional

Materials: The site utilizes farmed wood from renewable
sources; bathroom tiles utilize 100 percent recycled glass;
signage is made from stainless steel scraps from the project;
all stainless steel used on site is recyclable"
The stations also boasts a cell phone recycling center,
LED lights, natural light, lighting timers and a staff trained
in giving consumers green tips.
(source: LAlist.com)



Please join us next week for g-tank - Steve Meier (aka. lucky duck) will
be presenting his findings from the Cologne Furniture Fair.
Wednesday, March 14th 5pm DS3.

feel good about yourself...

and donate!! There is still time to donate to the Furniture Shower
for the Center on Halsted. Jason Hall organized a lovely event to
open up awareness to young designers in Chicago last night at
the Haworth showroom. The evening was very much a sucess!!
Please visit the Furniture Shower website and buy something
that strikes your fancy for the Center! It'll make you feel good.

the weekend

Cocktails and Clay
Friday, March 9 (2nd Friday of every month), 8 p.m. to midnight
Hyde Park Arts Center
Talk about a dirty martini. Here's your chance to sip cocktails while planting your paws on wet pre-formed clay during an open studio party at the Hyde Park Art Center. And just think: You can go home with more than a headache. DJ The Kid from Left Field spins. Cash bar. (Metromix)

2007 Chicagoland Flower and Garden Show
March 10-18
Donald E. Stevens Convention Center, Rosemont

28th Annual South Side Irish St. Patrick's Day Parade
Sunday, March 11, noon
103rd and Western


get a move on!

It's here! THE MOVE.
Refer to Christine Solorio's email which contains everything inquiring
minds need to know about their new seats. When, where, how, etc.

Please follow the squence provided and be efficient!!!

hit the Wall

If you happen to be going to New York, the new Jeff Wall show opening at the MoMA is a must see. And if you're like the rest of us and not going there before mid-May, it will be coming to see us in Chicago in late June at the Art Institute. AAAnd if you're as impatient as we are, check out the link above for the MoMA site for the show.
Jeff Wall is a Canadian artist who typically shows his work as transparency in huge lightboxes, creating a near cinematic light to his pieces. After being struck by lit advertisements in the late 70's, he used the same approach towards his artwork installations. Photo+light+box=pretty.

kicking off the travel log

Last weekend, Jessica, Anne and Katie all left our fair city for different ends of the continent.

Take a look:
(remember, when YOU go somewhere, send interesting and telling
photos to The Bulletin Blog so they can be posted!!).

Jessica hits the slopes:
Breckenridge, CO

Anne takes Manhatten:
New York, New York

Katie wins the tan off:
Eleuthera, Bahamas